
What is the basis of Mendeleev’s periodic law?

Mendeleev's Periodic table simplified the study of elements. As the arrangements of elements showing similar properties were classified into groups, it was very useful in studying and remembering the properties of a large number of elements in a systematic way.

Prediction of New Elements

Based on the positions in the periodic table, Mendeleev could predict the properties of some undiscovered elements. He left three blanks for elements that were not discovered at that time. He was able to predict the properties of these unknown elements more or less accurately. He named them eka-boron, eka-aluminium and eka-silicon. He named them so, as they were just below boron, aluminium and silicon in the respective sub-groups. Eka-boron was later named as...
scandium, eka-aluminium as gallium and eka-silicon as germanium.
A Comparative Study of the Properties of Elements Predicted and Later Discovered

Atomic weight4443.79
Specific gravity3.53.864
Atomic weight6869.9
Specific gravity5.95.94
Melting pointLow303.15image
Formula of oxideEa2O3Ga2O3
Solubility in acid and alkaliDissolves slowly in both acid and alkaliDissolves slowly in both acid and alkali
Atomic weight7272.32
Specific gravity5.55.47
Melting pointHigh958image
Reaction with acid and alkaliSlightly attacked by acids, resists attack by alkaliDissolves neither by hydrochloric acid nor sodium hydroxide

Correction of Atomic Masses

Mendeleev's periodic table helped in correcting the atomic masses of some of the elements, based on their positions in the periodic table. For example, atomic mass of beryllium was corrected from 13.5 to 9.0. Atomic masses of indium, gold and platinum were also corrected.

Mendeleev's Periodic Table

Period imageGroup IGroup IIGroup IIIGroup IVGroup VGroup VIGroup VIIGroup VIII
3Na= 23Mg= 24Al= 27.3Si=28P=31S=32Cl=35.5
4 First seriesK=39Ca=40Sc=45Ti=48V=51Cr=52Mn=55Fe=56 Co=58.9 Ni=58.7
4 second seriesCu =63Zn= 65Ga=70Ge= 73As=75Se=79Br=80-
5 First seriesRb= 85Sr=87Y=89Zr=91Nb=93Mo=96Tc=99Ru=102 Rh=103 Pd=106
5 second seriesAg= 108Cd= 112In= 115Sn= 118Sb=122Te=128I=127-
6 First seriesCs= 133Ba= 137La= 138Hf= 178Ta=181W=184-Os=190 Ir=193 Pd=106
6 second seriesAu= 197Hg= 200Ti= 204Pb= 207Bi=208-

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